The Criteria for Support

We support with funding, our expertise and networks initiatives and organisations that fit the following criteria:

Significance and Potential: The issue addressed by the initiative is essential within RELEX Foundation's priority areas. The solution, action or knowledge it promotes has the potential for a significant and sustainable positive impact on the problem. Currently, the Foundation mainly supports activities that foster biodiversity, contribute to halting biodiversity loss, mitigate climate change, or help adapt to it.

Sound Hypothesis: The initiative is based on a sound hypothesis, meaning there is a well-founded idea of the outcomes and how results will be achieved. However, we cannot expect the initiative to always succeed as anticipated.

Replicability or Scalability: The activity can be replicated or scaled, meaning its results can be utilized elsewhere, even globally, or it has growth potential.

Measurability for learning: The initiative and its results can be tracked using chosen metrics. The purpose is to enable learning and making changes in the execution if necessary.

Equity: The initiative prevents inequality and promotes equity or social justice. At the very least, it does not exacerbate inequality and injustice.

Capability and Commitment: Those involved have the capacity to carry out the proposed initiative. They are highly committed to the work’s goals and to learning from it.

In addition to these criteria, we highly value activities that aim to change the prevailing perception of what is possible, significant, or desirable.

When considering support, we assess the long-term sustainability of the activity. We avoid funding one-off, isolated, or short-term activities that lack continuity or connection to a larger context.

The Foundation may occasionally support activities that deviate from the above criteria but fit the Foundation's purpose.