What we do
We are a partner for those who foster biodiversity and mitigate climate change and its impacts.
A diverse biosphere and a stable climate are fundamental prerequisites for all life to thrive on our planet. The RELEX Foundation focuses on supporting forward-thinking initiatives addressing these critical goals. While doing so, we are committed to considering social justice and equity. This is how we approach our work:
1 We take on issues that really matter for biodiversity and climate but need more attention.
We aim to work on issues that need more attention and resources. Our focus isn't necessarily on 'the next big thing'; we also value proven approaches that require increased support and scale.
2 We support our partners in every way we can.
We partner with those working to create profoundly better futures for the different inhabitants of the planet, from microbes to humans. Our role is to help our partners to succeed in their mission.
We provide financial support. We actively seek partnerships that align with our mission. We do not organize open grant calls. However, we consider proposals that align with the Foundation's priorities and criteria.
In addition to funding, we offer our expertise and utilize our networks to support our partners in meeting their needs and goals. This interaction also helps us to deepen our understanding of the issues, partners and the role we can play.
If you are interested in partnering with us, read more here.
3 We convene where needed.
We collaborate to bring stakeholders together around issues that require alignment, shared strategy development, and the growth of a collective movement.

To further our goals, we also:
- Support, on a smaller scale, the promotion of equity and social inclusion among children and youth. We do not accept unsolicited proposals in this area.
- Invest responsibly. The management of RELEX Foundation's assets is outsourced and guided by the foundation's board and CEO. Responsibility forms the basis of our investment operations, as responsible investing advances our goals and protects our investments from risks.
- Minimize the adverse effects of our operations: As we seek to maximize the positive indirect impact of our grant-making and other activities on the environment and society, we also strive to minimize the climate emissions and other environmental and social harms caused by our operations. This involves choosing the most sustainable options and practicing thoughtful consumption in travel, catering, energy and materials, and compensating for harm as needed.
Photos by Mohamed Nasar and M.D. Jerry.